The truth of who I am


I’ve worked in banking for the majority of my adult career. I’ve been a branch, lending, marketing, outreach, collections, sales, and audit manager. Not all at the same time of course. Lol I used to teach money management classes along with credit repair, first time home buyers, budgeting, and a few others. I also taught high school students about credit and student loans. Between teaching these classes in East Harlem, NY and many years of doing loans, I’ve run into all types. As a lending manager it was my job to judge (qualify) each applicant. Did they make enough money? Did they have assets, savings, collateral etc? Was their credit score high enough? Did they look like they could pay the bank/credit union back? It was a tough job because I was told every tragic story there was. Deaths, fires, foreclosures, medical emergencies, etc…I heard it all on a regular basis.

One of my customers would come in every year and get a 3K loan. His credit was great and he always paid his loan on time. He was an elderly gentlemen who’s clothes were always dirty, he smelled, and was missing most of his teeth. Honestly, I hated dealing with him because of the smell and without teeth he was hard to understand but that was my job. I was always kind and respectful. Never mind that as soon as he left my office I sprayed my can of Lysol. Enough to choke myself each time.

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