Robin M. Carroll
I listen to the voices in my head. Those vibrant personalities that struggle to permeate empty spaces. They’re nameless, yet familiar faces, that constantly speak to me and beg to be liberated. ntil I acknowledge them, there is no inner peace as they endeavor to unearth the impetus that inspires me to create. Once they’ve succeeded, those impulses are ignited, and I have no choice but to tell their stories of suspense, romance, mystery, and heartache. These characters are my family. They are a part of me. And they are the reason I write.

Welcome inside the mind of Robin Michele Carroll, a writer who currently resides in Englewood, Colorado. Robin began writing short stories at the age of nine, but her artistic journey didn’t truly begin until eleven. That’s when she created her own soap opera in junior high and became known as the little girl with the big imagination. Her formation of “The Search for Love” made her popular amongst her peers as the pages of Robin’s drama circulated throughout the halls of the middle school she attended. Eventually, the teachers learned about the content, and Robin was called to the principal’s office with her mother. She was told that the subject matter was too mature, and that she was no longer allowed to share it with her classmates. However, the school didn’t want to squelch her talent, so they placed her in an English class with a teacher who helped Robin hone her skills. There, the seeds were planted, and Robin realized that she was born to be a storyteller.
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I breathe, therefore I write. I think, therefore I create. I dream, therefore I soar… like a bird.
- Robin M. Carroll
Two Faced
The long-awaited Thriller/Suspense novel Two Faced.
Dr. Robert Melendez is a plastic surgeon who transforms the faces of infamous criminals and then blackmails them. Robert threatens to reveal their true identities unless they pay him extra.
Ultimately, his scheme backfires, and he is found murdered beside a woman who is believed to be his wife, Missy. Upon further investigation, it is discovered that the female is the doctor’s mistress.