If I…


If I took my last breathe
I would take it only to breath new life
into the very soul of you.
If I love but only once
I choose to love you for my lifetime.
If I cried but one tear
it would not be of sorrow nor pain
but of happiness and joy
for love we share between one heart.
If I lived only one day of my life to it’s fullest
it would be the very day I fell in love with you.
If there is one treasure of this earth worth owning
it’s the treasure of your heart
and mine filled with love enough for the whole world
but shared only between the two of us.
If I could give one thing to you
it would be an unconditional love of the purest form
from a heart filled with devotion for you.
If I could, I would show you,
through the windows of my heart
the very soul you so carefully hold
in the palm of your hands and love ever so gently.
Then and only then would you understand the meaning of soul mates.
If there ever was a time in my life I learned to love
and was willing and ready to receive love
it was the very day you and I met and said “Hello.”
So many of us go through life searching endlessly for that one
to share everyday and every part of ourselves with.
I know my search is over because I found you.
You fill my heart with hopes, dreams, and desires
but most, you fill my heart with love it has never known before.
If I could pick one person to walk with down the path of my life
it would be you My Love, My Soul Mate, My Best friend.

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